If you need to have surgery or anaesthesia, you may be concerned about whether they could affect your MS. Your surgeon needs to know that you have MS before an operation, but for most people with MS, surgery itself holds no extra risks compared to the rest of the population. A recent study of 281 patients undergoing surgery found no increase in the risk of having a relapse in the 3 months following an operation.
It is possible that being stressed or anxious could trigger a relapse, or make your MS symptoms worse. Anecdotally, recovering from surgery can also exacerbate MS symptoms, particularly fatigue. If you are worried about an upcoming operation, do talk about your fears with your MS team, and find ways to calm your nerves and get enough rest beforehand.
After an operation, allow plenty of time to recover. It may take you longer to fully recover than a person without MS. You may need to book more time off work, or make sure you have enough support with chores, meals and childcare in the weeks after an operation.