Payroll giving is one of the easiest and most effective ways to raise money for the MS Trust.
The scheme allows employees to make a regular donation to their chosen charity/charities straight from their gross salary. This means they receive immediate tax relief on their donation and at a lower tax rate of 20% will only pay £8 for a £10 donation or £6 at the higher 40% tax rate.
If you are interested in setting up payroll giving, please talk to your employer for their preferred way of doing so or contact us on or 01462 476707.
Payroll giving is a great and easy way to demonstrate your commitment to the cause your employees care about or to your Charity of the Year. You can also further enhance your Corporate Social Responsibility programme by partly or fully match funding your employees' donations.
Other benefits include:
- Low cost and minimal admin
- Easy to set up and run
- Increasing staff morale
- You can earn a Payroll Giving Quality Mark and build your charitable image through PR and press opportunities
- If you meet the Payroll Giving Agency's admin costs, this can be offset against tax as a charitable donation.
Payroll giving is the gift that keeps on giving today, tomorrow and every day after. Thank you for your gift