Our directors

Meet our directors, who together are making sure we are here for everyone affected by MS - today, tomorrow and every day after.

Image of Lucy Taylor, new MS Trust CEO

Lucy Taylor, CEO

Lucy joined the MS Trust in January 2021 as Director of Fundraising and Marketing, following a career as a leader within the charity sector. She has extensive experience of both health and the arts and cultural sectors - including RNIB, Mencap, Alzheimer’s Society and Action Medical Research. Alongside her role as CEO, Lucy also joined the Board of the Neurological Alliance in 2023. Within the increasingly challenging health and social care landscape, the Alliance provides a valuable opportunity to contribute to the collective voice of the wider neurological sector, whilst also continuing to advocate for the needs of the MS community.

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Paru Naik, Director of Services

Paru Naik joined the MS Trust in 2019. An experienced senior healthcare leader in the NHS working in many NHS Trusts including Barts Health and The Royal Free NHS Trust. Paru is accustomed to managing many healthcare services both operationally and strategically. She has also worked on many service improvement, transformation and change projects and understands the challenges. Paru is really enjoying working at the MS Trust because she can step away from the front line and use her life science, health informatics and management skills along with her knowledge and experience of the NHS to make a real difference in a holistic way to MS Services, MS Health Professionals and people with MS.