Staying Smart is an online resource for people who want to know, or know more, about how MS can affect thinking.
Cognition is the general word that covers all aspects of thinking and includes memory, concentration and planning.
The aims of Staying Smart are to:
- support learning about cognition in MS
- build confidence in managing cognition in MS
- encourage sharing of knowledge about and experience of cognition in MS.
- StayingSmart starts with everyday problems and contains different levels of information for each aspect of cognition considered. The Tips and Tricks section has ideas from people living with cognitive symptoms. Gadgets and Gizmos suggests items of equipment that may be helpful. There are a number of video clips of people discussing their symptoms.
The versatility of the resource means that it can be used by people with MS, their families, and health professionals independently, or by people with MS in partnership with their health professionals.
Staying Smart was developed by the MS Trust in partnership with Professor Dawn Langdon, a neuropsychologist at Royal Holloway University of London.