Conference posters 2024

Winner 2024

'Service evaluation of respiratory needs in people with advanced MS' by Susan Hourihan, Michelle Koch and Siobhan Leary was the 2024 winning poster.

The winning entry for 2024 demonstrates a multidisciplinary team collaboration undertaking a service review within an advanced symptom of MS. Their submission reviewed the data gathered and identified further areas for future research.

Poster judges

Highly commended posters

Harford, R.
Urinary retention in multiple sclerosis (MS) (PDF, 680KB)

Hutchison, K.
Help-seeking journeys of women with multiple sclerosis experiencing domestic violence and abuse (DVA) (PDF, 518KB)

Posters (in order of presentation)

Bove, R. et al.
Cumulative pregnancy and infant outcomes in patients with multiple sclerosis following maternal exposure to Ofatumumab: results from the Novartis safety database (PDF, 250KB)

Leist. et al.
Prognostic value of on-treatment serum neurofilament light chain for new or enlarging T2 lesions in people with relapsing multiple sclerosis: pooled analysis of the ASCLEPIOS I/II trial (PDF, 157KB)

Silingardi, M.
Optimising IV DMT access for multiple sclerosis patients (PDF, 124KB)

Barber, J. 
Careless whispers: Do we really hear the voice of the carers (PDF, 540KB)

McCallion, D.
"Why are our results better than yours?" (PDF, 167KB)

Linighan, R.
Neurological examination and EDSS training for research (PDF, 198KB)

Grabarz, R., Aldridge, D.
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES): A sustainable long-term treatment for people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) (PDF, 812KB)

Hughes, S.
Ocrelizumab treatment pathway (PDF, 286KB)

Morales, R.
A real world experience of Siponimod at UHS NHS FT (PDF, 209KB)

Daly, S., Dock, J.
Implementation of an effective bladder pathway (PDF, 314KB)

Lawrence, S.
MS education cafe (PDF, 249KB)

Field, M., Hoey, C.
10 years of FACETS! A service evaluation and user experience of group fatigue management (PDF, 253KB)

Lord, L.
Redesigning the treatment initiation pathway for patients with MS in Salford (PDF, 136KB)

McMahon, M.
An evaluation of the removable ankle serial casting (PDF, 152KB)

Wicks, C.
Assessing NHS implementation of an online resilience-training and commitment therapy (PDF, 745KB)

Foley, H.
Why are people with secondary progressive MS more likely to be admitted to hospital? (PDF, 215KB)

King, T.
Have clinical trials under-evaluated Fampridines effect in MS (PDF, 375KB)

Douglas, L. et al.
Functional exercises for MS - An MS Trust and Neuro Heroes collaboration (PDF, 366KB)

Willis, H.
MS service review: Impact of employing a DMT coordinator (PDF, 125KB)

Winchester, C., Whittam, A.
Addressing the information needs of people living with advanced MS (PDF, 230KB)

Grace, L.
How to thrive with a sting in your face: The effects of acupuncture on the management of Trigeminal Neuralgia in MS (PDF, 636KB)

Hogan-Tricks, M. et al.
MS neurogenic bladder and bowel- not such an invisible symptom (PDF, 247KB)

Fawcett, J. et al.
Enhancing care for people with advanced MS using a neuropalliative hub model (PDF, 152KB)

Giovannoni, G.
Dehydration as a misused strategy to manage bladder dysfunction (PDF, 332KB)

Bongol, D., Mensah, J.
Optimising MS nurse reviews: Shifting towards a more patient-focused approach (PDF, 320KB)