You might find it necessary to make adaptations to your home if your MS symptoms start to make everyday living difficult.
An occupational therapist can suggest changes that may make your life at home easier and can advise on where you can look for funding.
There are several sources of help with the costs with home adaptations. These are usually means tested and for some people will cover a proportion rather than all of the cost. You should apply for grants before starting any work as funding is usually only given in advance.
Disabled Facilities Grants
Disabled Facilities Grants are provided through your local council. Depending on your financial circumstances, you may be expected to pay some of the costs. Grants are available up to a limit of £30,000 in England, £36,000 in Wales and £25,000 in Northern Ireland. Scotland doesn't have Disabled Facilities Grants, but funding for essential adaptations may be available from local councils.
Social services
The social services or adult care department of your local council can provide funding for some adaptations, particularly smaller items such as handrails. Contact your local social services for further information.
MS Society grants
The MS Society are currently not providing a central grant fund, but some local MS Society groups may still be able to do so.
Home Improvement Agencies (HIA)
Home improvement agencies are locally based organisations offering support for people making adaptations or improvements to their home. These organisations can offer help with obtaining funding and managing the work. In some areas, these agencies are called Care & Repair or Staying Put.
- Foundations - the national body for home improvement agencies in England - includes a map or services.
- Housing Care - includes links to local home improvement agencies across the UK.