Julie Stevens channels her passion for poetry to support the MS Trust
Hi, I'm Julie Stevens and I live in Cambridge, UK. I have had Secondary Progressive MS for over 30 years. I used to be a primary school teacher, but had to retire in 2007 due to worsening symptoms. I now write poems based on my disability and other themes and am very lucky to have had 4 pamphlets published by Dreich and The Hedgehog Poetry Press since 2020. I sell these pamphlets on my website www.jumpingjulespoetry.com, at poetry events in person, and on zoom and all proceeds are donated to the MS Trust.
Why I chose to fundraise for the MS Trust
I chose to fundraise for the MS Trust because of all the support they have given me over the years, in particular my MS nurses and all the information leaflets they produce, facts on their website, telephone numbers to call for advice, which are so useful when I need to find more about symptoms, or help others understand. I couldn't be without my MS nurse, my first point of call and someone who can refer me to the correct hospital department for further advice. I am absolutely delighted to have now raised £1700 for the MS Trust from selling my pamphlets and this is still rising!
My journey with poetry
I have been writing poetry every week for 6 years. Although I can remember writing the odd poem at college and helping children write their own when I was teaching, showing them my ideas, but I've been writing seriously for adults and children for the past 6 years.
What inspires my poetry?
My day-to-day symptoms inspire my writing and my thoughts on these. I write poems for everybody, whether they have MS or not, with themes such as anxiety and running for example. I am regularly told how relatable they are and how they are helping others. I also write about other themes, such as snow, other types of weather, the theatre, my childhood to name a few. When I'm not writing adult poetry, I write poems for children and teenagers as well. I hope one day I will have a book of my children's poems published too. I have recently finished a book about a disabled wizard!
Advice for aspiring writers and fundraisers
Anyone can write. Base it on yourself or something you love and you will have lots to say! Read poetry books; they often spark a poem of your own and just write, write, write without thinking about what it looks like. If it makes sense, just keep writing for about five to ten minutes. You can go back after to pull out the best bits, your favourite lines. I run workshops and this is what we always do to get us going. It’s a great way to start.
Sharing my work
This is a poem from my latest pamphlet called Journey Through the Fire published in May 2024 by The Hedgehog Poetry Press. I find hot summer days really zap my energy, make my legs so heavy. This is the poem I wrote:
Sun Snake
Sun tips me off balance
unsettles the ride from spring,
throws a shadow over this carefree season.
The stifling heat controls the game,
will always block my way forward,
will make sure I can’t compete.
Slap on some lotion, wear a hat
put up a defence to ward it off,
though it always snakes its way in
down these legs, round every muscle,
heat smoulders my attempts to move −
paralyses a tropical day.
Grab an ice cream, make a cold drink
find a shady space to hide,
but the sun will know where to find me.
Julie Stevens
Read more
My website www.jumpingjulespoetry.com has some of my adult and children’s poems. It also tells you a little bit more about myself, where my poems have been published or heard and further information about my pamphlets. It also has links to my many social media accounts. Hope you enjoy them!
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