
Multiple sclerosis is mainly diagnosed and treated by neurologists. Neurologists are medical professionals who specialise in understanding the structure and function of the brain and nervous system. However, MS can also affect your thought processes, also known as cognition or cognitive processes. You may be referred for treatment to specialists in psychology for additional treatment for your MS symptoms, or for help to deal with the impact of your MS.

A clinical psychologist or clinical neuropsychologist can help with the impact that MS may have on your cognition. This includes your thought processes, memory, concentration, mood and behaviour.

The generic title psychologist is not protected. Some people calling themselves psychologists and offering psychological services have no recognised qualifications and are not answerable to any recognised professional body.

The Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) is the statutory regulator for health and care professions in the UK. Anyone using the job titles clinical psychologist, registered psychologist or practitioner psychologist must be registered with the HCPC.

You can check whether a psychologist is registered using the search facility on the HCPC website.

The British Psychological Society operates a Directory of Chartered Psychologists.

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