Because of the wide range of possible symptoms of multiple sclerosis, you may see a number of different health professionals. Who you see depends on how active your MS is, what symptoms you have, what treatments are available and the way that the local MS service works.
In some areas the health professionals you see may work together in a specialist team. This is called a multidisciplinary team or MDT.
You may find yourself going to different places to see different members of your MS team. Some health professionals are based at MS specialist centres. These are usually larger hospitals supporting people with MS from a wide region. Other health professionals may be based in local hospitals or may travel there from the specialist centre to run an MS clinic. Some services are community-based as part of a GP practice or a local health centre.
The NICE MS guideline recommends that people with MS have an annual review with a healthcare professional with expertise in MS. This will usually be with your neurologist or MS nurse. If you haven’t had a review recently, you can ask your MS nurse if one can be arranged or ask your GP to refer you if you have been out of the system for a while.